Challenging Lung Infections in PCD

Why do challenging lung infections occur in PCD?Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the cilia, which are tiny, hair-like structures that line the respiratory tract and other parts of the body. These cilia play a crucial role in...

mRNA Potential for PCD

February 2022   There are several opportunities coming up in the very near future, in the US, Canada, and Europe (and possibly other countries) for mRNA therapies for PCD.   We are planning a town hall this month to discuss what is on the horizon, what the community...
11/16/2020 Virtual Town Hall Recording

11/16/2020 Virtual Town Hall Recording

Thank you to everyone that attended the virtual town hall. We received several questions in advance.  Many were regarding COVID-19. Continued thanks and appreciation to Dr. Shailendra Das (Texas Children’s Hosp), Dr. Hugo Escobar (Children’s Mercy),Dr. Anne...