by Lynn Ehrne | Feb 4, 2020
ANNOUNCING AN EXCITING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH PRIMARY CILIARY DYSKINESIA (PCD): Lung Disease Week at ATS- what is it? (From the ATS website) Lung Disease Week at the ATS represents a society-wide initiative to recognize the many rare lung...
by Lynn Ehrne | Oct 1, 2019
Participate in a live webinar As part of ‘PCD Week at the American Thoracic Society (ATS)’ and in partnership with the ATS Public Advisory Roundtable (PAR), the PCD Foundation is pleased to present a live webinar on Wednesday, October 9th from 12-1pm EST....
by Lynn Ehrne | Sep 12, 2019
Family friendly event reminder from the patient group #TeamOhio ! Be sure to check out their page below, for silent auction items! Visit the event group on Facebook